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Are you hiring technology talent in 2022?

2021 saw the technology skills gap persist for the fifth year running. With this ongoing problem only worsened by the recent 'Great Resignation', talent retention has never been more critical for the tech industry, and we know the secret.

It's no doubt the hiring challenge has been magnified in recent years by pandemic-driven advancements. The tech job market is increasingly competitive as demand often surpasses the supply. This, is fuelled further by C suite leaders' consistent pressure to increase and advance hiring strategies, particularly for 2022. Here are a few things you can do to help yours this year:

Offer remote working

Zoom's Eric Yuan's net worth isn't the only thing that's significantly increased because of the shift to remote working, so has your access to better talent pools. Geographical boundaries don't need to exist if you have a work from home policy; you can branch out to equally if not better-skilled talent outside of the popular hubs.

Know your candidate

Differentiation will be a major challenge. To be at the forefront of the technology talent pool, it's essential to be selective on what you look for in a candidate and know what they look for in you. It's a talent-driven market, and gone are the days where you can offer a solid basic salary to get a candidate over the edge and through the door. This has created an acute awareness of what they're willing to negotiate and what they're not. Question your talent partner about the market, get intel and always ask what your competition is doing.

Streamline your process.

According to Office Vibe, good technology talent is off the market within ten days. Consider streamlining your hiring process so you can interview and hire faster without compromising their candidate experience. Respond to questions, always follow up, give instant feedback and get instant feedback.

Consider your ED&I strategy.

Diversity, inclusion and equal representation are huge factors job seekers consider when looking for employment. Workforce diversity is essential at all levels, but board-level diversity should be a priority if you want to attract and retain the best technology talent. Attracting candidates from various communities is crucial; however, candidates will look for authentic role models within the business. If they don't see them, they are unlikely to join whether they are working remotely or from a static office.

For more information about hiring get in touch with a member of the team