Most modern offices are open plan—with colorful lounge areas and long tables where everyone sits and works alongside one another. But despite their popularity, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting open plan offices might be doing more harm than good. In fact, recent research indicates that open plan offices can decrease employee productivity, health and happiness.
How Generation Z are Different from Millennials
Millennials took us by surprise. They work differently, play differently and have a different set of expectations of what ‘work’ should be. Yet Millennials are about to lose the spotlight to Generation Z as this group of youngsters begin to make their way into the workforce.
Here are 5 things you should know about this emerging generation before you begin hiring them.
These 2 Practices Will Help You Attract the Best Tech Talent
A private, oceanfront office, full-time PA and 25-hour work week would be one way to attract top talent, but if that is impossible, you may want to consider these two practices. After all, getting the top candidates to want to work for your organisation is about more than just the salary offered, particularly when it comes to the technology industry…
5 Technologies Transforming the Job of Programmers
Today developers must work with teams spread across multiple continents, where people speak different languages and often have different character sets. They also have to work with some code that is new and some that could be decades old. Working as a team and making sense of it all is only part of what it means to be a programmer today.
How To Resign The Right Way
Resigning can be hard—particularly if you have enjoyed working at your current company, or feel a sense of loyalty. Moving on is a must however if we are to travel up the professional ladder, and doing it right can make a big difference in ensuring the transition is a smooth one. Next time you are thinking of resigning, you may want to consider a few pieces of advice from Oliver Parks’ technology recruitment consultants, and ensure the process is as stress-free as possible.
4 Tech Recruitment Trends to Watch
One tech recruitment trend isn’t changing: demand for tech talent continues to outpace the supply. There are however plenty of other things across the tech hiring landscape are changing. Knowing what is happening in the market will prevent you from getting caught off guard, and missing out on candidates. Here are a few tech recruitment trends to keep an eye on…
Having Trouble Finding a Salesforce Developer? This Might Be Why.
Salesforce’s recent growth and momentum confirm its continued dominance in the SaaS space. The company has been able to generate a cloud-revenue backlog of $20 billion of business on and off the balance sheet—up 40% from a year ago. And the surging demand industrywide for the enterprise cloud—whether SaaS, PaaS or IaaS—has blown away any possible…
Why Finnish Tech Start-ups Come Out on Top
Finland is home to 5.5 million people, which is a relatively small population— yet remarkably it boasts over 10% of the world's start-up exits. Finland's scarcity of resources and changes in the telecom infrastructure have led to a large body of tech talent which is now leading the next generation. This breadth of talent has produced a vibrant and growing tech community, and companies that the world wants:
The 7 Deadly Sins of Tech Recruitment
How to Keep Bias Out of the Hiring Process
The benefits of having a diverse workforce are numerous. Diverse businesses are more likely to understand the needs of a wider range of customers and clients. Plus there is evidence that that teams with a broader range of perspectives perform better. But keeping bias out of the hiring process is difficult. Even companies with the best of intentions end up hiring the same ‘type’ of person.
What Will The Resume of the Future Look Like?
Resumes tell employers about experience and credentials, but they are a poor representation of a human being. Whether on paper or LinkedIn, they don’t give real insight into a candidate’s personality, or character, or their ability to communicate and work in a team—all soft skills that employers consider essential ingredients for success.
Germany's Rising B2B Technology Scene
When most people think of Germany, they think of luxury cars and beer—which is not surprising given Germany is the world’s third largest car producer, and has more than 5000 different beer brands. But there is one more thing to add to that list — a rising and successful...
5 Ways To Become The Brand People Want to Work For
It isn’t just about the benefits package, hours and location anymore. Attracting top talent relies on having a brand that people want to work for. After all, your brand is what sets you apart from other employers and defines you as a great company to work for. Similar to marketing a product, marketing your company’s brand is a crucial part of attracting...
20 Interview Questions To Ask A Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer
How to Find & Retain Top Tech Talent
Location Intelligence is Driving BI to Increase Profits
The demand for Business Intelligence (BI) developers has risen 15% in the last six months compared with the same period last year. And it is no wonder. The benefits of business intelligence can make a big impact on an organization’s bottom line. With actionable, technology-driven information
3 Open Source Technology Trends for 2018
Technology is changing rapidly, particularly when it comes to open source technology. New developments such as OpenStack, Progressive Web Apps, the cognitive cloud and the Internet of Things are accelerating the speed of development in open source software. Specialists in open source...
5 Tips for Managing People Who Are Difficult to Manage
What Is Cryptocurrency? The basics explained.
The value of a Bitcoin rose to $19,000 last month, and then dropped $4,000 the same day. Those of us who had always dismissed the currency as nonsense—as simply a tool for facilitating black market trading—suddenly thought to ourselves: Maybe I should have...
The More Tech In Your Job, The Better You Are Paid
More experience, better references, additional de grees… these are the things that most of us think would give our salary a boost. But according to a new report by the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program, the more tech in your job, the better you are paid.