Common Interview Formats and Questions in the Tech Industry

Whether you're an experienced software engineer or a junior web developer looking to break into the tech industry, it's crucial to prepare for the unique interview process used by many technology companies. By familiarising yourself with common interview formats and practising answers to typical questions, you can set yourself up for success in landing your dream tech job. At Oliver Parks, our expert tech recruitment consultants can guide you through every step of the process, from initial interview preparation to final offer negotiation.


The Technical Screen


Often one of the first steps after submitting your CV for a tech role is the technical phone screen or online coding assessment. This is the company's way of efficiently evaluating your core technical skills before investing further time. For developers and engineers, this usually involves solving coding problems or discussing your approach to programming challenges. Depending on the role, you may be asked questions testing your knowledge of:


- Data structures and algorithms

- System design and architecture

- Specific programming languages and frameworks

- Databases and SQL 

- Version control (e.g. Git)


The key to acing the technical screen is to practice, practice, practice. Utilise online coding platforms and work through sample problems. Be ready to clearly explain your thought process and approach. The specialist consultants at Oliver Parks can connect you with resources to sharpen your technical interview skills and provide personalised coaching to help you articulate your problem-solving abilities.


The On-site Interview


If you pass the initial technical screen, you'll likely be invited for a longer on-site interview at the company's office (or a virtual on-site given the prevalence of remote work). A typical on-site for a tech role consists of 3-5 hour-long interviews, often with different team members. These interviews tend to cover:


1. Coding and algorithms

You'll work through technical problems on a whiteboard or computer, aiming to showcase your problem-solving abilities, coding fluency, and communication skills as you collaborate with the interviewer. Practice outlining your high-level approach before diving into code. Your Oliver Parks consultant can run mock whiteboard interviews with you to hone your skills.


2. System design

For more senior roles, you may have an open-ended discussion about designing the architecture for a complex real-world system like Twitter or Uber. Brush up on concepts like API design, databases, caching, load balancing, etc. Tap into Oliver Parks' network of industry experts who can share insights on system design best practices.


3. Behavioural and culture fit

Be prepared to discuss your past projects and experiences working on a team. Have specific examples ready of how you've handled challenges, failures, and successes. Interviewers want to assess how you problem-solve and collaborate. Your recruitment consultant at Oliver Parks can help you refine your stories and practise articulating your teamwork skills.


Throughout the technical interviews, it's okay to take your time, ask clarifying questions, and even admit if you're stuck. Interviewers want to evaluate your communication and analytical skills as much as your coding abilities. Remember, Oliver Parks is your partner throughout the process to help you prepare, give feedback, and calm any nerves.

Common Questions to Practice


While every company and role is unique, certain questions come up time and time again in tech interviews. We recommend practising variations of:


- "Tell me about a challenging bug you fixed. How did you troubleshoot and resolve it?"

- "How would you explain a complex technical concept to a non-technical stakeholder?"

- "What's a project you're particularly proud of? What was your role and what did you learn?"

- "Tell me about a time you disagreed with a team member. How did you handle it?" 

- "How do you keep your technical skills up-to-date with new technologies and industry trends?"


Remember, interviewers aren't just evaluating your technical prowess but also how you'll communicate and collaborate as a member of their team. With focused preparation and practice, aided by the expert guidance of your Oliver Parks consultant, you can confidently navigate the tech interview process and land an exciting new role.


Ready to ace your tech interviews and take the next step in your career? Contact Oliver Parks today for personalised support from our specialist tech recruitment consultants. With deep knowledge of the UK tech industry and a proven track record of helping talented professionals land their dream jobs, we're here to help you succeed at every stage of the interview process. Reach out now to start your journey.