Why Choosing a Career in the Cloud Industry Makes Sense in 2022

Digital transformation is reshaping every single industry lately, with no signs of slowing down. Internet technologies in particular are the major driving factor of almost every sector — and for good reasons.

Cloud computing is one of the areas of digital transformation that’s been at the forefront of innovation, why? Because it unlocks tons of remote capabilities that attract consumers and organizations but we don’t need to tell you that.

Take it from us, the demand for cloud computing specialists has been rising every year. So lets dive deeper into this subject and explore the top reasons why you should pursue a career in cloud computing in 2022.

Why Pick a Career in Cloud Computing in 2022

1.   It’s in burning demand

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 530,000 cloud computing jobs will be added to the tech industry before 2029. It equates to a whopping growth of 11% per year.  

That said, the demand for talented cloud engineers is only going to increase in the coming years, which makes it obvious why excelling in this field makes sense.

2.  The need for cloud technologies is rising

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit us hard in 2019, we resorted to digital technologies to drive our workflows. Companies conducted their affairs online, and their employees started working for them from home.

All this was made possible with cloud technologies.

As we move forward into the future and into a more digital work environment, the need for cloud technologies rises even more. With that comes the need to hire more talented cloud specialists — and that’s where you come into play.

3.  There’s tons of variety

When you enter the cloud computing industry, you’re not limited to any one role. Instead, you have tons of flexible options to choose from.

For instance, you can be a cloud analyst, cloud architect, cloud security professional, cloud administrator, etc.

Furthermore, there are many roles that don’t fall directly into the cloud computing area — but are directly correlated with them. Some of those positions are: computer system analysts, database administrators, compute network architects, etc.

4.  Your background in IT is valuable

As you’ve read this post till this point, it’s safe to say you’re from a technical background; probably have something to do in the IT or CS industry. If that’s the case, you can use your prior experience to build a career in the cloud computing field, and the process is going to be much easier for that.

You see, any individual with a computer- or network-based background already knows the basics of cloud computing — and this knowledge will streamline a solid career path for you.

Cloud computing is one of the “from-the-future” fields — and we have named it that for good reasons.

As we progress into a digital future, the already-booming cloud computing industry is going to supercharge even quicker — and you don’t want to miss the slew of opportunities when that happens, drop one of our consultants a message to explore your opportunities.